Anti ageing and rejuvenation

Indigo Aesthetics 

Indigo is boutique that specializes is anti ageing and rejuvenation. They believe everybody should feel comfortable in their own skin and celebrate their own unique self.  Indigo Aesthetics Supports the notion that cosmetic enhancements should be subtle and that their patients are treated both safely and with respect.

The team reached out as they were looking to upgrade their website, the old website didn’t reflect who they were and what they stand for. The layout and colours of the old website were not inviting and they didn’t feel like it was something they wanted to show off to their clients. 

Tone words








We worked closely with Indigo Aesthetics to create a new Sqaurespace website that reflected who they are. We chose all new branding colours that were easier on the eyes and new fonts. We carefully picked out stock photos that match the website and some stock photos. The team also had some  professional photos already done and ready to go. We referred back to the old website and saw what wasn’t working and re-imagined a new experience for the customers. In this process we upgraded from Sqaurespace 7.0 to Sqaurespace 7.1 and also attached a store for customers to purchase products. This project was a dream and the people at Indigo Aesthetics are some of the nicest people I have ever worked with.